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How to use 35a mini f4 flying tower?

Time: 2023-02-06    Author: HAIKE    Look: 542


Have you ever wanted your own personal drone? Well, with the 35a mini f4 flying tower, now you can! This product allows you to fly with ease and navigate through the air with precision. Whether you’re looking for an exciting hobby or a way to take stunning aerial photographs and videos, this is the perfect product for you. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the 35a mini f4 flying tower and all of its features. We will also discuss some tips and tricks that will help make your experience with this device both safe and enjoyable. Let’s get started!

What is a 35a mini f4 flying tower?

A 35a mini f4 flying tower is a small, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, reconnaissance, and target practice. These versatile little drones are becoming increasingly popular with both amateur and professional users alike. Here's everything you need to know about them.

How does a 35a mini f4 flying tower work?

This type of drone is equipped with four rotors that allow it to take off and land vertically, like a helicopter. It also has a small camera attached to its underside, which streams live video footage back to its operator. Thanks to its size and maneuverability, a 35a mini f4 flying tower can fly in tight spaces and capture clear images and videos from up close.

What are some common uses for a 35a mini f4 flying tower?

One of the most popular uses for this type of drone is security and surveillance. The live video feed can be used to monitor activity in an area or keep an eye on someone. Mini f4 flying towers can also be used for recreation, such as racing or taking aerial photos and videos. Some models even come equipped with special features like night vision or thermal imaging.

The benefits of using a 35a mini f4 flying tower

There are many benefits to using a 35a mini f4 flying tower. For starters, it is much easier to use than a full-sized flying tower. It is also much less expensive and can be used for a variety of purposes.

Some of the most popular uses for a 35a mini f4 flying tower include:

1. Training: A 35a mini f4 flying tower is the perfect tool for training new pilots. It is small and lightweight, making it easy to maneuver. Additionally, it comes with all the necessary controls, so pilots can get a feel for how to fly a plane before they ever get in one.

2. Travel: A 35a mini f4 flying tower is also great for travel. It can be easily packed into a suitcase or carry-on bag, making it the perfect option for those who want to take their hobby on the road.

3. Storage: A 35a mini f4 flying tower takes up very little space, making it perfect for those who don't have a lot of room to spare. It can be stored in a closet or even under a bed when not in use.

4. Cost: As mentioned before, a 35a mini f4 flying tower is much less expensive than a full-sized flying tower. This makes it an ideal option for those who want to save money on their hobby expenses.

How to use a 35a mini f4 flying tower

Assuming you have a 35a mini f4 flying tower, here's how to use it:

1. First, make sure your battery is fully charged.

2. Next, connect the battery to the power input of the flying tower.

3. Once the battery is connected, press the "on" button to turn on the device.

4. Now, take your remote control and pair it with the flying tower. To do this, simplypress the "bind" button on the back of the remote control, and then press the "bind"button on the flying tower. The two devices should now be paired.

5. Now that your remote is paired with the flying tower, you're ready to take off! Toget started, simply throttle up using the left joystick on your remote control. As youthrottle up, you'll see the motors on the flying tower start to spin faster and fasteruntil eventually they lift off into the air!

6. From there, fly around using the joysticks on your remote control to steer left andright, and throttle up and down to go forwards and backwards. You can also use themodule buttons on your remote control to perform various functions like flipping orrolling (if your flying tower has these capabilities).

Tips for using a 35a mini f4 flying tower

There are a few things to keep in mind when using a 35a mini f4 flying tower. First, make sure that the area you are flying in is clear of any obstacles. Second, take off and land in an open area. Third, be aware of your surroundings and avoid any areas with high winds or turbulence. Finally, have fun and enjoy the experience!


The 35a mini f4 flying tower is a great tool for any level of drone pilot. With the help of this device, you can quickly and easily fly your drone with ease and confidence. Its simple design makes it easy to understand, while its powerful motors allow you to maneuver your drone in tight spaces. Whether you are just starting out or consider yourself an experienced flyer, the 35a mini f4 flying tower will be sure to enhance your next flight experience!

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